Group process facilitation + training
I lead emergent group facilitation for collectives, organizations, and events. I can build an agenda, support you in building an agenda, or facilitate an agenda you’ve already designed. Examples of where this type of support might be useful and/or necessary include: mission and values development; long term or strategic planning; connection and/or team building opportunities; idea generation or brainstorming sessions; conference sessions, and more.
Organizational development consulting
I am available to work with organizations in extended partnerships (generally of 3-6; 6-12; or 12-18 months) that support increasing equity, inclusion, belonging, and psychological safety for employees. This could involve an equity audit/assessment, leadership coaching, mediation, equity-focused training, development and facilitation of affinity groups and/or Employee Resource Groups, and more. Unless I am invited to work specifically with a white learning group or white-identified leader, any organizational development work will be done in partnership with BIPOC/global majority co-consultants.
Individual leadership development coaching and equity-informed mediation:
I have trained as a coach with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and an equity-informed mediator with Resolutions NW. I offer individual coaching for leaders at all levels/career stages (and in any industry) that supports a client’s individual needs and specific leadership journey. I prefer to work with professionals who are interested in bringing a greater equity focus to their leadership ethos; or emerging leaders under 35 who are looking to sharpen their leadership values and intentions.
I also offer mediation for groups and organizations that would benefit from the support of a third-party mediator in a conflict process. Equity-informed mediation follows standard conflict resolution/mediation tactics and practices, while maintaining a focus on any power dynamics (based in race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other area of identity) that could be impacting or exacerbating the conflict at hand.
Gathering + event management and production
I am an expert event programmer and producer, with extensive experience planning and executing national events of over 1,000 attendees. As such, I can provide consulting in an event development process, and will consider short-term event management roles depending on the event and organization.